Prof. Dr. phil. Sandra Günter

30167 Hannover
12.03.2025: 12:00 - 13:00 Appointment via Stud.IP

19.02.2025: 12:00 - 13:00 Appointment via Stud.IP
12.03.2025: 12:00 - 13:00 Appointment via Stud.IP
The Person
Professional career
1990-1996 Studied history, sport, education and social sciences at the University of Bremen 1997 1st state examination, University of Bremen (1.0 with honours) 1997 Legal clerkship, Lower Saxony: Bremervörde/Stade 1997-2006 Teacher at public schools (part-time, Sek. I/II), Bremen & Lower Saxony 1998-2001 PhD scholarship holder, study of political science, University of Bremen 1998-2000 Freelance research assistant at the Centre for Feminist Studies, University of Bremen 2002 Doctorate Dr phil., University of Bremen, on the social construction of gender in sport from a historical-sociological perspective (summa cum laude) 2001-2005 Lecturer for special tasks (LfbA), AB Sport and Society, SG Sport and Exercise Science, University of Bremen 2006-2009 Research assistant, AB Sport, Media, Society, Department of Human Movement Science, University of Hamburg 2009-2014 Ass. Professor of Sport and Body Sociology, Institute of Sport Science, University of Bern (CH) 2010-2014 Vice President of the Programme Committee and Managing Director of the Master Minor Gender Studies at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies, University of Bern (CH) 2014-2016 Asc. Professor (unbefristet) für Soziologie des Sports, Fachbereich Soziologie und Politikwissenschaft, Universität Trondheim (NTNU, NOR) seit 2016 Professor at Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH), Institute of Sport Science, Head of the Department of Sport and Society 2016-2019 Deputy Managing Director and Member of the Board of the Institute of Sports Science (LUH) 2019-2022 Managing Director of the Institute for Sports Science (LUH) -
Memberships and offices
2021-2023 Member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Humanities (LUH)
2019-2022 Managing Director of the Institute of Sports Science (LUH)2019-2021 Deputy member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Arts (LUH)
since 4/2018 Member of the scientific advisory board of the series Sport und gesellschafte Perspektiven.
2017-2022 Spokesperson for the Sports History Section of the German Association for Sports Science (dvs)
since 04/2017 deputy member of the doctoral committee of the Faculty of Philosophy (LUH)
since 05/2016 Member of the Gender Studies Forum at Leibniz Universität Hannover
since 03/2016 Member of the scientific advisory board of the NISH.
10/2015-10/2017 Acting spokesperson for the Sports History section of the German Association for Sports Science (dvs)
Reviewer activities
since 2010 for the scientific journals Body and Society, Leviathan, European Journal for Sport and Sociology (EJSS), since 2012 Forum Qualitative Social Research (FQS), since 2018 Freiburger Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung
Gender equality
since 04/2024 Member of the Diversity Advisory Board of the DTB, Frankfurt a.M.
since 04/2017 Member of the Equal Opportunities Commission (status group of professors) at Leibniz Universität Hannover
10/2006 to 10/2008 Deputy Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Human Movement Science, University of Hamburg
04/2003 to 04/2005 Equal Opportunities Officer for the Sport and Exercise Science degree programme, University of Bremen
- Sociology of sport, body, diversity and migration
- Gender studies, in particular body and gender construction in sport
- Cultural history of sport, body and movement
- History and politics of sport
- Theory and history of science
- Qualitative social research, in particular discourse and dispositive analysis