Press release no. 060/2024 of Leibniz University Hannover
Tablet-based spelling training minimises errors
Research team at Leibniz Universität Hannover and the University of Lübeck develops Booost app for children of primary school age
Ten minutes a day for spelling: with the Booost app, children of primary school age can easily learn to correct spelling mistakes on their own. Scientists from the Institute of Sports Science at Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) and neuroscientists from the University of Lübeck have developed a simple digital practice method based on the latest findings from learning research. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has supported the development of the method for over seven years.
Building on this research, the sports scientists at LUH have now developed the Booost app: This app prevents misspellings using the "errorless learning" method as much as possible, works extremely simply and is free of charge. The Booost app for the Android operating system has been available in the Google Play Store since April 2024, making it easy for pupils to learn using their mobile phones or tablets. "Now the Booost app is also available for iOS devices in the Apple App Store - children can start practising after just three minutes of introduction and even have fun doing it," says project manager Prof Dr Alfred Effenberg. The app is aimed at children with reading and spelling difficulties, but also at children who do not have German as their first language and anyone who would like to improve their spelling.
The programme is currently designed for pupils in grades 2 to 4. The children write by hand - simply with their finger or with a stylus pen. A practice session lasts ten minutes and can be interrupted at any time and continued at a later time. The Booost app is self-explanatory and only requires an internet connection the first time it is started.
Booost app from the Apple App Store
Booost App from the Google Play Store
More information:
The Booost app and a three-minute explanatory video:
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Alfred Effenberg, Institute of Sports Science at Leibniz Universität Hannover, on +49 511 762 5510 or by e-mail at